Friday, June 23, 2006

Boogie letter to president

Dear president Mr.,

It’s Boogie. Boogie want to tell you, you not doing good job. There’s lots of stuffs to do and you not doing and Boogie sufferings.

Boogie sorry, but all your tax cuts provide no relief for Boogie. Boogie work hard, Boogie work long, but Boogie no get refund, no check, no nuthin’. Boogie no know who those cuts for, but no help to Boogie.

I’m sure you’ve heard, but Boogie is CHO—Chief Home Officer—of Boogie house and Nat and Nano. That big position. Boogie fill it well, serve country good and Boogie need more compensation. Boogie know president Mr. no raise minimum wage, (probably ‘cause you need more treats for president Mr.—Boogie get that), but president Mr., you should raise Boogie wage. Boogie don’t get salary, hourly wage, or tips—not to mention healthcare.

Boogie talk more ‘bout healthcare. Give Boogie some. Boogie is good and Boogie is strong, but Boogie get sick. Boogie can’t breathe good. Boogie gots lots itches. Itches turn into crusties and bleeds—‘specially my ears, they always itches and bleeds. That takes lots of medicines and that take lots of treats. That rough on Boogie. Boogie need some assistance. Give up some of president Mr.’s treats and give to Boogie. You totally selfish.

President Mr., Boogie gives a lot to your people and Boogie just want things in return. I even started helping with terrorist threat. Ever since Boogie move to new Boogie house, I put Boogie on security watch. Boogie bark at every noise and person walk by. Boogie make sure bombers, crashers, and killers stay way.

In conclusion, president Mr., give Boogie more. Boogie NEEds it.

Even if president Mr. try to be friends with China, you pretty bad.
You need Boogie help more than Boogie need president Mr.'s help,

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