Friday, May 11, 2007

This Second Proof

Boogie’s new strategy for Big Baby’s destruction of Boogie stuffs: point out evidence to Nat and Nano (hope Nano cuz he so much meaner) then Boogie just hope they do some anything to stop Big Baby before she destroy every thing that all Boogie’s.

Here few pictures to show that Ducky was no one time thing (click Boogie face to see what Boogie say).

Big Baby so NoNo. Look at Baby, so happy for destroy, so big. Dirty too, lot dirty. That her fault—Big Baby gets herself into everything—she no care what she look like after, before, or during.

Boogie good 'xample but Big Baby no good learner.


Anonymous said...

Mamacita--Boogie just peaked. That is comedy gold. Gold, I tell you. "Seriously." HA!

Anonymous said...

So not fair!! :(