Monday, June 08, 2009

Boogie's Trouble with Itchees

Itch itch itch.
Boogie lick paw.

Itch itch.
Boogie chew paw.

Nano say stop.

Itch itch itch.
Boogie lick and bite and paw squeaks.

Nano say STOP. Boogie stop.

Itch itch ITCH ITCH. Boogie start licks. ITCH ITCHERY ITCHEROO. Boogie chew chew CHEWCHEW.

Nat yell.
Boogie soft itchy. Lick lick.
Itchy...itch. ITCH. Boogie chews.

Itcheee! Nat yell and hold out dreaded head cone.
Boogie stop.

'Til Nat and Nano go 'xploring.

Shh. Boogie itch.

1 comment:

childishkim said...

hahhahaa...i love boogie blog :)