Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Boogie Did Something So Good and Got in Trouble So Bad

Boogie 'xplored Boogie's way into new cupboard while Nat and Nano were away for all-day 'xplorin. It only fair that Boogie should 'xplore too. Boogie found a big container of chocolate powder--lots and lots of dry, small chocolate. 'Course it no easy for Boogie to get container open, but Boogie credit the Kong for giving needed skills to get small chocolates out of closed canister. Boogie ates and ates and ates. It heaven.

Until Nano came home that is. Then it was NoNo Bad Girl and he get SOOOooo mad at Boogie. He even put Boogie in the cupboard and say something like, "If you like it in here, stay in here." Um. Duh. Boogie don't like it in the cupboard, Boogie like what in cupboard for eats. And also plus, what in cupboard help Boogie fulfill New Year's resolute: eat better.

Boogie didn't even eat all of the dry chocolate. Boogie totally left some for later, so get over it.


Ninny Beth said...

oh my gosh. BOOGIE! I know!!! I do the same thing. And nano is mean guy for trying to put you in the closet. I'm calling boogie protective services on his ass.

Jessica said...

Those are the pics I have been waiting to see. Boogie you are lucky, if I was your owner, I would have done much worse! Glad you did not get chocolate poisening, and cost nat & Nano, more vet bills.

Kim G said...

Boogie! How you not know about bad chocolate? This Loki. Loki know about bad chocolate. Very tasty but vet shove tube down throat and put coal up bum to get it back. You lucky. Vet really wanted Loki chocolate back.

Robbie said...

the disgusted look on Boogie's face in the last picture really is priceless. wow.