1. Go to doctor no so much.
This not goin' to be easy and Boogie startin' out all wrong. Boogie gots to go to doctor today--only second day of year.
2. Eat better.
Boogie diet now is sad, bad. All Boogie gets is dog foods, water, raw hides, and milk bones. Sorry. That so low class. Sure, sometime Boogie supplements and eat what around bird cage or remove perfectly good food from garbage can. But really, Boogie need some better cuisine--like meat, cookies, chocolate, bread...Boogie could go on and on.
3. Get rid of itch itch and diaper.
Maybe doctor help, but who know 'cause she not do much so far. Boogie go check today anyway. If Boogie get rid of itch itch, maybe Nat and Nano stop loud saying so much. It so loud and so interupting. Good thing Boogie good at ignore. Boogie no want to bum scoot, but Boogie gots no option. If itch itch go, then Boogie stop scoots. It all up to itch itch and doctor. So, Nat and Nano, stop actin' like it Boogie problem--Boogie gots not choice in matter. So take this bleepin' diaper off Boogie!
4. More Love.
And by more love, Boogie mean less love for Big Baby. Boogie not talkin' love from Boogie to Big Baby--that low already. Boogie talkin' love from Nat and Nano to Big Baby. The more love that go to Big Baby, the less love there be for Boogie. That just no right. So take love from Big Baby and Boogie get more.
5. Figure out Kong.
Boogie have a couple of kong toys and they really pissing Boogie off. Kong hides Boogie's treats and won't give them up. Boogie have to paw and paw and cry and cry and hit and slide and roll and chew for Kong to give up the goods. So annoying. It's Boogie's treats, so hand it over. Boogie goal to figure out how to get Kong to give up goods much faster or not take away in first place.
Boogie wish you happy new year. Come over to Boogie's to celebrate and bring Boogie stuffs.
p.s. What all these books doin'? Nat get so angreeee when Boogie step on them, but um, hello, they on Boogie's floor, so Nat, pick books up. That be your resolute.
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