Monday, June 22, 2009

'Portance of Boogie Bark

When there be a ding-dong or a knocking at Boogie front door, Boogie bark. This important. For sake of Nat and Nano, let Boogie 'xplain. If someone at door that Boogie like and know, Boogie bark tell them yes, Boogie be home, hold on and Boogie be with you soon. If someone at door that Boogie no like or no know, Boogie bark tell them, yes, Boogie home and you be scared, SCRAM! you no welcome.

So dumbsicles, stop tellin' Boogie to shush. Boogie bark important. Boogie bark keep you safe.


childishkim said...


Jennifer Sue said...

I do think it's important when Boogie Barks, cause Nat and Nano sometimes don't hear when Jen comes over. And that is important. Thank you Boogie.

Kim G said...

Baylie barks when the neighbors breath. She over informs.